How To Keep Color Treated hair Healthy

We all love coloring our hair by following trendy looks on Tumblr and Instagram. But we rarely take care of our colored hair. Show some TLC by learning how to maintain healthy hair color, so your hair looks stunning as always.


Don’t Over Wash Your Hair 

Avoid Over Washing Your Color Treated Hair

Over washing your dyed hair will make the vibrant color run out. Don’t wash your hair frequently, and wear a shower cap when you are bathing. Wash once or twice a week to maintain the color.


Wait 72 Hours Before Shampooing 

Don't Shampoo Or Wash Your Hair For 72 Hours

Coloring and beaching open your cuticle, and if you wash your hair, the color will run out as well.


Choose A Sulfate-Free Shampoo And Conditioner

Choose Indique's Sulfate-Free Shampoo And Conditioner 

A lot of shampoo and conditioner contain a chemical called sulfate, which helps create foam in hair care products. It removes the
natural oil from your hair. Use sulfate-free moisturizing shampoo and conditioner from Indique Virgin Hair to keep your beautiful color.


Wash Your Hair With Cold Water

Don't Wash Your Colored Hair Hot Water

Hot showers feel amazing, especially on cold days. Prevent losing color by washing your hair in cold water.


Dry Shampoo 

Use Dry Shampoo Instead Of Washing It

When you aren’t going out, use dry shampoo to remove oil from your hair. Get the blowout look with dry shampoo.


Use Heat Guards 

Heat Guard From Indique To Maintain Your Color

Heat styling tools strip your hair off of its natural moisture.


Trim Your Hair On Time

Trim Your Hair Frequently 

Split ends make your colored hair dry and unhealthy. Keep up with your trimming sessions to make your hair look luscious and healthy.


These are a few ways to maintain healthy hair color.


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